á móti sól
The history of AMS (Á móti sól) is in a way more boring than most bands in the sense that it is mostly free of any hassle og scandals… mostly…
Formed in 1996, the band went through some changes at first until everything finally clicked together when Magni Asgeirsson came along and picked up the mic.
After that, the band took flight with a string of hits and endless gigs leading to the first album with the complete line-up. It's called AMS and has 9 radio singles!
As of now - Á móti sól has released 8 albums and number nine will be out in 2024 - out of them two have reached platinum sales and 3 others gold in Iceland and the band continues to have massive radio play and attendance status also being one of few bands that have lasted this long in Iceland without stopping longer than a few months at a time…
….they are also extremely humble....